Wednesday, December 11, 2019

New posting

Hit new post and enter title

再试一次,As title

Hit publish


Use correct password as 一九三O
用我的Gmail addr

Thursday, November 28, 2019


i like to post a whole book here so people can access to it.
to post:I have to sign in 用谷歌电子信加一九三o
select B blogger on left corner here
hit new post
enter a title
write your 文章in 中文或英文 on blank space
hit publish or edit old post

to delete, hit trash can

python for process 汉字

use python language to process 汉字是很妥适的!
甪scanner plus OCR to scan 汉字to produce the correspondent weizima.
for each definition and pinyin to make a dictionary for any field of study.